
Life Update #2

     So much for life being less busy after school ended. I kid not, Friday was only the third day in ten days when I didn't leave the house. And it was never a quick trip when I did leave the house. Several hour trips... Whew. I'm really looking forward to vacation.

     All that to say, I haven't had much time to put another one of these life update posts together yet. Since so much has happened the past three weeks, I'm just gonna summarize the main events. Hopefully I'll get around to putting pictures in some of my next life updates. :)

     On May 16th, we had the last Girls of Grace. Girls of Grace (or GOG) is a girl's group we do through our homeschool group. The last one is usually a party of sorts. This year, we had a drawing, a white elephant gift exchange, a race/game (which my team won) and some of us high school girls walked up to the cross by our church. It was really fun!

    I won the drawing and got a gift card, plus I got the closest to the number of gumballs in a mason jar, so I got a huge jar full of gumballs that I can't have because I have braces. XD They will prove good bribing material for siblings. :)

     May 17th was my piano recital. My first as a teacher... I was super nervous, but I think it went pretty well. At least that's what everyone said. The morning of the 17th I had a presentation for economics, which I really liked, though my grade was a lot lower than I wanted.

     We had an Amtrak field trip on Thursday the 18th, which is something our homeschool group does basically every year (except we aren't doing it next year). We take the train down to Oceanside, and then spend a few hours there. The past two times we've went to eat at Ruby's on the pier for lunch. Then we take the train back to Anaheim and drive home! It's a crazy busy, but really fun day.

     Another big event was on Memorial Day - we went to a homeschool fair that they have every year. We've never been before. We went to sell stuff: Jack sold butterflies and all that stuff, Leah sold sewn stuff (zippered pockets, etc.), Luke sold potted cacti and succulents, and I sold yarn dolls. It was super fun, and super exhausting (We were there from eight in the morning until four thirty at night.)

     Other miscellaneous events include going to friends' house for dinner, lazin' around (is lazin' even a word??), my last piano lessons (for teaching), sewing, basketball practice, Chick-fil-A (delicious), piano lessons (for myself), reading, the dentist (no cavities!! So glad...), VBS decorating, story editing, story writing, reading, and making Family Vacation videos.

     Whew. We've been busy.

     One last thing I want to mention is this: I'm going to play the big grand at church. Bear with me... If you're not a piano player, you might not understand this rant. Guys, that piano is amazing. This past Wednesday I practiced my prelude music on it and oh my goodness. The keys are so balanced (for lack of a better term), plus it's a grand, which means the dynamics (loud/soft) are so easy to manipulate and make so rich. I'm soo excited to play it tonight.

    Yup! Tonight is Promotion Night. Hopefully I'll get another one of these posted soonish with pictures from that. (Including me playing that amazing piano.) Don't count on it though, if this delay between posts is going to be normal, I might not get another done before school starts again. XD

     Whelp, thanks for reading, and I'll see y'all tomorrow. (Sorry this is so late and delayed.)

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