
My Family: Jack

     Welcome back, one and all!! And if it's your first time... Welcome! (I'm trying to get creative with my intros... Can you tell?) Today we'll be discussing my wonderful little brother Jack. And since I have no more small talk to do, on we go!


Life Update #4

     We're on the road trip! Here's some pictures: (Sorry, I'm not going to write a ton, since I don't have a whole bunch of time to be on here.) :) And also, this was supposed to be yesterday, but I've kinda lost track of the days. Usually I wouldn't post on a Sunday, but my normal routine has obviously been interrupted. :)


VBS & Vacation

     I was going to title this 'VBS & Piano' (you'll see why in a second) but I couldn't pass up the double 'v's. And besides, by the time this is up (7:00 AM PT) we'll be an hour gone on the road! Hopefully, that is. So the title is accurate...


Life Update #3

     Welcome, everyone! This is my promised life update post... A lot happened the past two weeks, so here's the run down:



     I've been really busy recently and forgot to put the answers in my dad's post... So I took it down. I'll probably skip this week, and just pick up with Jack next week. At some point, I might get around to finally getting those answers in there, but maybe not. I have no idea. XD


My Family: Mom

     Hello, everyone! Welcome to my blog... This post is going to be part of a series I'm doing on all five of my family members: Dad, Mom, Jack, Leah and Luke. I keep on forgetting to type down the answers for Dad, so you're gonna get Mom first. Hopefully Dad's will be typed in by next week.


Life Update #2

     So much for life being less busy after school ended. I kid not, Friday was only the third day in ten days when I didn't leave the house. And it was never a quick trip when I did leave the house. Several hour trips... Whew. I'm really looking forward to vacation.