
PEH: First Day of School Edition

     Welcome one and all! This past Monday (which is now last week) we started school. As you may have noticed (here, here, and here) I was and am very excited to have something to do all day. Of course, since my workload is so light (I'll be starting three more classes - one a college duel enrollment class - by the beginning of September) I still have a lot of time to burn. (But I'm never bored, because if I was my mom would give me some chores, and let's avoid that at all costs.)

     As is fairly normal with these Picture Every Hour deals, I totally forgot I was doing it until nine o'clock hit. So we'll be skipping the first two hours in the day. At seven, I was probably just waking up, and at eight, I was probably doing Duolingo and being lazy.

     So without any further ado, here's the picture for nine!

At nine o'clock
I was sitting in the school room with my siblings
and mother, going over our school lists and taking
care of any questions anyone might have about any
of their subjects.

At ten o'clock
I was doing geometry, which is going pretty well
so far. Also my first subject of the year! :)

At eleven o'clock
I was doing my Bible study for school. It's called The
Most Important Thing You'll Ever Study (or MIT for
for short) and is really enjoyable so far!

At twelve o'clock
I was eating McDonalds for lunch (at McDonalds) with
Mom and Luke. So good! I haven't had it in a really
long time, it seems.

At one o'clock
I was working on prepping for the PSAT, which I'm
going to take in October (excitement/minor freak out).
It's pretty straightforward so far.

At two o'clock
I was practicing piano. Super excited to get back
into it (teaching and learning). Especially since I only
have one song to practice right now. XD

At three o'clock
I was fighting boredom (I mean - having nothing to do)
with drawing. That's supposed to be Ariel. It did not
turn out very good. There is evidence of my awful
drawing skills (and I'm even using a stinkin' how to
draw book!). *rolls eyes in frustration

At four o'clock
I was watching Mom look at driver's education
options on her computer. Fascinating stuff, to be
sure. (And by the way, I did get a driver's ed
course, so now I'm on my way to my permit, and
then my license!!)

At five o'clock
I was going to prepare to make dinner. But I ended
up waiting a little bit longer, because it was a whole
hour later before...

At six o'clock
Dinner was ready! We ate outside on our porch.
Biscuits and gravy! Really good stuff. ;)

At seven o'clock
I was typing out some sermon notes. I take notes
during sermons in a notebook, but then I type them
out on my computer, because they're easier to search
and reference in that format. Plus I can fix all my
spelling mistakes. XD

At eight o'clock
I was playing with this crazy dog. She's so
cute when she wants to play.

At nine o'clock
I was talking to Mom, but I neglected to take
a picture, so this is at nine thirty, when I was
just about to hop in bed. *sarcastic tone I'm 
beautiful, aren't I? 

     That was my first day of school! The rest of the week went well as well, so that was also good. :) Hope you enjoyed, and I'll see y'all next week! Have a great week! :)

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