
What I'm doing next school year...

     Y'all. So... I'm graduating high school in slightly over one month...?!? That's CRAZY. Like, so crazy. I'm actually only one week away from finishing my college classes (and the rest of my school). Like... I'm one week away from being done with compulsory schooling forever. Okay, I'll stop freaking out and get on to the point of this post. XD

     So if you asked me a year ago (or even six/seven months ago) what I was doing for school in 2019, I would have said: "I'll either be going to The Master's University or be going to a community college if I can't afford the first option." It was pretty cut-and-dry. I was going to college, was probably going to major in biology and then graduate in three years (cause I already have my freshman year of college done).

     Letz just say... That's changed a tad. First of all, I'm not going to college. At least not in 2019. I'm going to be taking a gap year. Why? Well, if you read my March update post, you'll know that my family is going to be moving to Florida in the summer. When I learned this information, I was still planning on going to college.

     But then I got so stressed about trying to get into colleges and apply for scholarships. And I was thinking about the summer - we'd move in June then I'd leave for college only two to three months later. It would be a lot of change and that was stressing me out too. So I talked to my parents and we all decided that it was best for me just to take a break, get settled in Florida, and worry about college next year.

     So! That's my plans for next school year. Beyond that, I'm not too sure. I'm pretty certain that I won't be able to afford Master's since I won't count for the big freshman scholarship, but I'm coming around to that. God is in control, right?! 

     I'm thinking about changing my major to something more along the lines of marketing - just cause what I want to do biology related would require a Masters and maybe even a PhD and I'm not willing to invest that much time and money into a degree that I might not use (if I get married or whatever).

     Anyway... What exactly am I planning on doing in Florida over the next school year? Well, first I'm going to be getting plugged in at our new church. I've already planned like what I'm going to do and all that (I'm such an over-planner it's almost pathetic XD). I want to figure out a way to serve in some ministry - preferably the children's ministry cause I love kids - and then I'll be going to all the college services/events. That's the plan anyway. XD

     Another thing I'm going to try to do around the time school starts is to get a job. I'm probably going to apply at the Chick-fil-A down there (assuming that nothing else more interesting pops up). I've loved my job there so far and having the experience that I do should make getting hired fairly easy. Maybe I'll even become a manager or something (oohs and ahhs in the distance). :P

     And then I'll probably just work on different house stuff, ferry my siblings around, grow my new relationships, hang out with my cousin (probably too much XD), read, possibly take more piano lessons or at least work on my piano, maybe start learning violin... There's a lot of stuff I'm throwing around. We'll see how it all works out.

     That's about it for this post! Hope you found it mildly interesting, but if not that's cool too. XD Ta-ta for now, and I'll see ya next week!

~ Anna

Are you graduating this year? If so (or even if not) what are your plans for the next school year?

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