And let's just hop into the good ole' categories, shall we?
Like I said, the beginning of the month was pretty chill. We had a sleepover early in the month, and I got to go to Disneyland with a good friend. I also gave my notice at Chick-fil-A, which was sad... We listed our house on April 12th and so there were a lot of showings and such. We had an open house too...
We got to visit our cousins and see our dog which was so much fun. We've left her with them in Santa Clarita since the house is on the market, and I've missed her way more than I thought I would. I also went to a friend's graduation party.
Other than that it's just been a lot of work and school. This week (that we're in right now) is my last week of actual school, since I worked ahead which is crazy. (Technically next week is when my school actually ends, like when I get my grades and stuff from college. Busy-ness is starting to be less school-based and more life/friends/chores-based. Which is fine with me. XD
I went to the movie theaters three times this month, which is a little crazy. I got to see Unplanned, How to Train Your Dragon 3 and Avengers: Endgame. I really enjoyed all of them, for very different reasons. I wrote a little review/thing about abortion and Unplanned on TAJ if you want to check that out.
Regarding HTTYD - it was so good! I loved the first and the second movies and have been waiting for this one for a while. A lot of it was just enjoying the nostalgia and stuff, but the plot was decent and I always love the dragons and the music is just... so good.
Endgame. I don't even have words. I am not a cryer. I cried twice in Infinity War and by "cried" I mean teared up to the point where I almost actually released a tear (horror of horrors... XD). But Endgame ruined me emotionally. I just couldn't. I cried at least four times, and at one point I had tears running down my face. It was so strange for me. I'm still getting all emotional about it.
If you take emotions out of it, I think it was a really well-done movie. It was long, but it has to be to fit everything that needs to happen in. I liked the creative choices on different things... Like what happens to Cap and Stark and such. And (spoiler alert) I'm so glad they're all back.
We've been finishing up the last season of Psych which is always a fun time, and then we started watching The Chosen which is really good. Not much in the TV realm this month...
Reading (& Listening)
I actually did read some books this month. I worked through a little booklet called One-to-One Bible Reading for my discipleship which was really good. I also started rereading The Bronze Bow which I thought we had packed but we didn't and I was so happy. XD
I also read a book by Tessa Afshar called Land of Silence and that was really good, too. I really enjoy Biblical historical fiction and she's a great author if you love that genre. She's written another book called Bread of Angels that I got for Christmas and that was also really good.
And I added listening to this section because I have to rave about this musical to you. Basically, I discovered this musical about Jesus' life called His Story: the Musical. It's got a more modern vibe to it (like Hamilton with a bit less rapping) and it's super accurate and just fun to listen to.
There are amazing melodies/harmonies, and so many fun genres and just. I love it. Go listen to it right now. It's free on Youtube (and Spotify and Apple Music and all those places... you could also buy it on iTunes like I did). I'm actually listening to it right now as I write this post. That's how good it is. XD
There are amazing melodies/harmonies, and so many fun genres and just. I love it. Go listen to it right now. It's free on Youtube (and Spotify and Apple Music and all those places... you could also buy it on iTunes like I did). I'm actually listening to it right now as I write this post. That's how good it is. XD
Things to Come
This next month might be a bit choppy when it comes to posting - I'm going to be gone at a wedding, then road tripping to Florida, and then in Orlando for family vacation before I fly back here for my graduation and final goodbyes before moving in early June. I'm trying super hard to schedule posts ahead but if I just randomly miss a week that's why. Apologies in advance. XD
That's really all I have for this post! See you in a bit less than a week. :)
~ Anna
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