
2017 Goals

     Well... It's finally 2017!! It seemed like 2016 went way too fast. The older I get, the faster time goes by. It's strange. Anyway, today I'm going to be sharing some goals I have for 2017.

     This past year was really fun. The highlights include staying at a cabin in Big Bear, riding horses fairly often, getting to do more sleepovers than usual, VBS, Disneyland passes, cousin visits in May,  going on our road trip in the summer, and visiting the cousins in Jupiter, FL in October. (We even got to live through a hurricane!) Other things too, but those are some of the main ones.

     So! Here's ten goals I have for 2017:

1. Regular Bible time. Not necessarily every day, but no week-long breaks or anything... Even in summer!

2. Be diligent with school. Try to get good grades, but make sure I'm understanding what I'm learning. The grades take a back seat to that.

3. Do at least one one-week fast from any internet. But this will exclude necessary school stuff, and more than one one-week fast would be great!

4. Get better at piano. Not sure how to gauge this, but learn several harder songs and be diligent with practicing.

5. Manage my money a little better. I do okay with this, but I can sometimes (not often) be an impulsive spender. The goal  is to be able to buy myself a new iPod at the end of the year.

6. Read a lot of books! But not 'junk' books... I want to venture outside my usual genres of books (fantasy, fiction, etc.) I'm planning on writing them all down so I can see how many I read by the end of the year. (UPDATE: I'm trying the Tim Challies 2017 Reading Challenge. I'm not following it exactly, but I'm using the list of books to give my some ideas for other genres.)

7. Exercise regularly. Running, biking, trampoline - I don't care! I just need to get into the habit of exercising. My body is not in the best shape.

8. Use my planner consistently. Try to plan my days out (to the best of my ability). Obviously there will be stuff that comes up, but I think this will really help me with other goals as well.

9. Drink water often. Stay hydrated! (I stink at staying hydrated.) Trying to drink a cup of water when I get up, in the morning, in the afternoon, and at night.

10. Go to bed on time. Part of this will include sticking with my morning and evening routines. And this is also slightly flexible on Fridays or other days when I can sleep in a bit in the morning.

     Hopefully I can do all of those. XD It's not a bunch of stuff when I look at it, but still... I've never done this whole 'goals' thing, so we'll see how it goes.

      I'll update on the goals every once and a while. At least at the end of the year, maybe monthly, maybe quarterly... I don't know exactly. But I'll update!! :)

     Our quote for this week is a Bible verse that I'm going to take as my kinda 'theme' for 2017. Or like another goal to try to work towards.
Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
     That's 1 Corinthians 10:31. Hope you enjoyed the post, and have a wonderful new year!!

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