
Happy birthday to sweet Mango!!

     Yesterday was our dog Mango's fifth birthday! She's a Boxer and in October, we will have had her for five years. I can't believe it's been five whole years already! I was looking back at some of the pictures yesterday and thought I would share a few with you...

     This is going to be a pretty short, picture-filled post. But my dog is cute and you need to see more pictures of her anyway. XD

This is either the first day we had her, or the day after. Look at how tiny and cute!!

She loved this little poof thing we had, and she had (and still has) some rather uncomfortable-looking sleeping positions.

This is when we had a "sleepover" (meaning I slept on the floor by her), and she was resting her head on me.

Strange sleeping positions...

This is our cousin's dog - and Mango's best friend.

This is her birthday picture... XD

     And that's pretty much it for this post! Suffice it to say, I love my dog a whole lot. Thanks for reading, and I'll see ya next week! :)

~ Anna

Do you have a dog? What's his/her name? And if you don't, what would you name a dog if you got one?

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