
If you could have lunch with... {a tag}

     Hey all!! So... I'm back in the saddle! (Sort of.) I've already scheduled several posts for the upcoming weeks, so hopefully these will keep coming. Anyhow... I'm kinda fascinated with the whole "tag" concept, so I thought it would be fun to come up with one on my own! 

     Oh, I also redesigned the blog in an effort to help me get back into the whole blogging thing. I hope you enjoy it! I think it looks pretty good... I'll probably still tweak it a bit.

     When people ask questions like "if you could spend a whole day with anyone, who would it be?" I always think it's super unfair because there are so many people I'd love to spend a day with. So I decided to modify the question a bit and split it up into categories to make choosing just one person easier. (Trust me, it was still pretty hard.)

     I came up with ten different categories, so here are my answers and why I choose who I choose.

1. If you could have lunch with... any comedian, who would it be?

While I really enjoy several comedians (basically Tim Hawkins and Brian Regan) I think it would be the most fun to have lunch with John Crist. He's super funny, and I really enjoyed this podcast that he was on. I dunno, he just seems like a nice guy. XD

2. If you could have lunch with... any movie or Broadway actor, who would it be?
I hate myself for thinking of this category... It's SO HARD… Lin-Manuel Miranda comes to mind… He seems - again - like a fun guy to hang out with. But maybe Hugh Jackman or Sean Astin or Benedict Cumberbatch? They're also so stinkin' talented/have done so many cool things.

3. If you could have lunch with... anyone from American history, who would it be?
Anyone from American history
Obviously, this is soo broad of a category. The first person that pops into my head is George Washington. I've always looked up to him as both a Christian and a man who had a huge hand in forming our country. But I've also been obsessed with Hamilton for a while, so maybe Alexander Hamilton. Preferably post-Philip's death. It would be interesting to see what he thought of his life and all that.

4. If you could have lunch with... any singer or group of singers, who would it be?
Really the only singer/group of singers that I care about are Christian singers... So I'd probably pick the Gettys or This Hope. I really enjoy their music. I have a shirt signed by all the members of This Hope, which is pretty cool.

5. If you could have lunch with... anyone after Christ, who would it be?
Look at the history geek breaking up history into a bunch of small segments to make it easier. XD As I mentioned in my February wrap-up post, I've been watching season three of Victoria quite religiously, so I'd probably say someone like Queen Victoria. 

6. If you could have lunch with... anyone from the New Testament, who would it be?
I'm not counting Jesus, because I don't really want to pull one of those. XD I would love to talk to Peter. He totally cracks me up. Listen to this sermon (there's a part two and part three as well)... Peter is just so relatable. I think John MacArthur said he's the disciple with the foot-shaped mouth - or something like that. XD

7. If you could have lunch with... anyone before Christ, who would it be?
This is sooo hard. Originally I was thinking Nebuchadnezzar, but I don't know anymore... It would be cool to talk to someone like Judas Maccabeus or maybe Esther. For some reason, I'm drawn to people like that, rather than Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar.

8. If you could have lunch with... anyone from the Old Testament, who would it be?
It would have to be David. It would be so interesting to hear his story from him, especially since he was "a man after God's own heart". He obviously wasn't perfect - by any long stretch - but God still used him. It would be interesting to hear his perspective on it.

9. If you could have lunch with... any relative living or dead, who would it be?
This one is undoubtedly my Great-grandma Krebs. I'm named after her (my name is also Iolene) and I've always wanted to meet her. She died before I was born. Also, it would be cool to hear stories about her mom and others up the line who immigrated to America.

10. If you could have lunch with... anyone you haven't mentioned yet, who would it be?
WILD CARD: Anyone who you haven't mentioned yet
And here's a wild card! I made this partly because my OCD required ten categories, and also because I needed to put Jesus on here. Because to be completely honest, He would probably be my first choice. Like, can you imagine?? Lunch would probably have to turn into an extended all-day operation. XD Let's just say I'm excited for heaven...

     Anyway!! That's my little post for today. I hope you enjoyed, and if you want to do this tag, just take it! A link back to this would be appreciated... But I don't really care. XD I just made this for fun and I hope someone else can have fun with it too.

     Thanks for reading and I'll see you again soon!!

~ Anna

How do you like the new design? Who would you like to have lunch with?

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