
Thoughts on Being Seventeen + on life

     Guys. I'm seventeen. *leaves for a few minutes to have an existential crisis. I'm just kidding. I wouldn't call it a crisis per se... More like a realization that I'm nearly an adult and a tiny minor freak out about how I need to maybe act a bit more adult-ish. (Also sorry I didn't post last week... I'm getting some posts scheduled so hopefully that won't happen again.)


     Anyhow... Just thought I'd do a bit of a word dump on my thoughts and what I'm thinking about as a new seventeen-year-old. Because that is going to be so interesting. *sarcasm

     So last year I sort of did this same type of thing where I just talked about life and what I've been up to and how it was so weird that I was going to be sixteen. Looking back on what I was nervous about... It was the PSAT. XD Perspective, people, perspective.

     Basically, when eighteen-year-old Anna reads this (hang *another tiny minor freak out* okay we're cool) she'll probably think I'm stressing about things that are completely irrelevant. So hello eighteen-year-old Anna! I promise these seemed like a really big deal...

     Probably the thing I'm currently freaking out about the most is college. Specifically, applying for it and paying for it. I've gotten really good at having tiny minor freak outs because I keep having to put "applying for fall 2019" on my college applications and then realize THAT'S ONLY A YEAR AWAY WHAT EVEN. 

     Also choosing which schools to apply to is a bit of a pain. I enjoy actually applying, though! That's fun. I've already started applying to two and finished one already (the school I really want to go to).

     But most majorly it's the whole paying for college thing that I'm really worried about. I've basically got to pay for the whole thing cause my parents aren't going to pay for anything. So hello scholarships! Thank goodness I have pretty good grades and a pretty good SAT score.  

     Applying for scholarships is a pain though... You spend like literally hours going through scholarships and maybe find two that you can apply for. WHY IS THERE AN OREGON SCHOLARSHIP WHEN I SPECIFICALLY PUT IN CALIFORNIA SCHOLARSHIPS. That sort of thing happens a lot. XD

     Anywho... that's what's been on my mind recently. That and school and work (stay tuned for a post - I got a job!!) and a bit of church is basically my life. Also, I'm driving now so hello gas cost and driver's insurance. *rolls eyes

     But all in all, life is decently good right now. I'm staying on top of my classes and maintaining my grades, and I obviously still have time to do at least some fun things (which is why I'm here). And I love my job and most of my classes are pretty interesting or fun. 

     I just have to remember that God is sovereign and that He knows where I'm going to go to college (if I go) and how I'm going to afford it and all of that. Honestly that's a huge relief that I'm not ultimately in control of my future. (Satre is awful. Look up his philosophy. My philosophy class is sort of changing my outlook on some things in life.) XD

     And that's all for now! Have a great week and I'll be back next week with another post (Lord willing)!

~ Anna

How's your life been going? Have you ever freaked out about anything?

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