
Five Useful Phrases in German

     Hello all! I know I've mentioned several times that I really enjoy German. I think I'd enjoy any language I'm learning, but German is so cool and old and the country has an amazing history. So I really like German. :)

     So I thought today I'd share some useful phrases in German in case you ever visit, or if you just want to impress your friends with your amazing bilingual abilities. (Side note: I know at least one word in nine languages... Which isn't that impressive, but I thought I'd throw it out there.)

     Without further ado, here's my list of some of the most useful phrases in German:
  1. Hello - Guten Tag (goo-ten tak) or Hallo (ha-lo)
  2. Goodbye - Auf Wiedersehen (auf veder-san)
  3. Where is the restroom? Wo ist die Toilete? (vo ist dee toi-let-e)
  4. What is that? Was ist das? (vas ist da-ss)
  5. I am a foreigner and I don't speak good German. Ich bin Auslander und spreche nicht gut Deutch. (ich bin auss-land-er unt spr-ech-e ni-cht gut doi-tch)
     Please note - I am not a professional at those pronunciation thingies and they probably aren't that good, but I thought it was better than nothing. The "ch" in ich and spreche is that back of the throat sound that is common in German. Think saying "Bach" with a German accent.

     I've been learning more German grammar so far this year, and I'm getting a bit better at actually putting sentences together. It's so interesting how language works... 

     I don't really have anything else to say (shocker). So I guess this post will be a little shorter than usual.

     I've also been throwing around the idea of redoing the design of the blog, and/or changing the name in 2018. I'll also probably be setting a lot more of a "theme" for this blog. It'll still be pretty random because it'll be focused on my life, but I'm hoping to be a little less random (for lack of a better word) than I have been recently. I've been trying out a bunch of different ideas for posts to see if there's anything I'd like to do more of.

     Anyway! That's it for today. As always, thanks for reading - and have a great week. Auf Wiedersen!

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