Welcome, everyone! I've been back home for a week now, and am getting into a groove, which is nice. I'm also becoming insanely bored (don't tell my mom though - she'll give me chores). Enter a lot of coloring my Bible verse coloring books and listening to an insane amount of music and occasional World and Everything In It podcasts.
Bible Update: Summer Camp 2017
So as I said in my last Bible update, I was planning on doing Romans over the summer. Let us simply say that, along with my reading through the Bible in a year plan, that has been kinda trashed. I'm still trying to do it, but I haven't been doing it every day.
Life Update #6
I know, I know. I missed the past few update posts. For good reason! Family vacation week (July 1st - 7th) wasn't very busy, but there was a lot of hanging out with family and not a lot of screen time. Which I was fine with, but it doesn't exactly help with the whole 'post once a week' thing. :)
Stars and Whales
My Family: Luke
Hullo everyone! Guess what? Tomorrow is the Fourth of July!! We're at our Family Vacation, and I'm having a blast! If you want to check out a more 'Independence Day themed' post, see this one I posted last year. Whelp... My family member for today is Luke.
Life Update #5
This is late, again... And I don't have any pictures from where we are staying, so this will have to do. These are the pictures from week two (June 25th to 30th -ish) We saw a lot of things and did a lot of things, all super fun.
My Family: Leah
Welcome all! Can you believe it's almost July?!? Geez. If you've been following my Saturday posts (and how could you not! I mean...) you'll know exactly what we're up to. Hooray for road trips!! Today I'm continuing my series on my family. Next up is my sister Leah.