This actually turned out to be a really good idea. There was so much information to process and work on applying from the retreat and having no phone to distract me made it a lot easier to buckle down and do it.
I'd figured that this would be kinda hard, and it was a little challenging a few times, but overall it went surprisingly well. I turned my phone off at around 10:30 on Sunday night and turned it back on at about 8:30 Tuesday morning, so techincally I did 34 hours without my phone but... technicalities. Here's what my phone looked like Tuesday morning:
So as you can see, I didn't really miss that much. Most of the texts were from one of the group chats I'm on. I did miss one phone call that I would've liked to pick up but God is sovereign. And it's not that big of a deal. XD
When I turned it off Sunday night, it actually felt really good. I watched an episode of a TV show and having no phone felt freeing somehow. It was like I could really focus on the show and not "worry" about someone texting me. It doesn't really make sense, but that's sorta how I felt.
Monday morning went by really well. I had lots of time to go over my sermons and "discern the gap" (see where I am, where I should be, and what I need to get from point A to point B) as our pastor says, and got a lot of great application points. The morning itself was a little challenging emotionally, but not at all related to my phone and I never wished that I could have it.
Around one or two in the afternoon I had a bit of an urge to check my texts and such. I let myself use my computer this day, so I did check my email about four times and Facebook twice, which is a lot less than I would if I had my phone. Funnily enough, it's much harder to put your computer in your pocket than your phone. XD
Part of the reason I felt like checking my texts was because I was super unmotivated this day. I did get most of my to-do list done, but it was a struggle and it took me a while. But I persevered past the desire and used some good ole self-discipline to get my list done.
I left the house twice during this day - once to drop off my car at a car service place for an oil change and new tires, and again to go to Culvers for dinner. Both times I felt the urge to check my phone. (Only at stoplights when I was driving, just to be clear. XD)
Right before bed I also felt myself being pulled to it, but once again I didn't check anything. Other than that, it was a pretty good day overall. It's funny how I want to check it either when I'm not doing anything, or when I'm in the habit of checking it (i.e. at nighttime). I guess I sorta expected that, but it's still interesting to see it play out in real life.
I think this might be a fun challenge to try sometime. Obviously, phones are super helpful and sometimes essential for work or school or some other purpose, but when you have a day when you don't need it, try turning it off and see what happens!
Thanks for reading, and I'll see you next week!
~ Anna
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