
PEH: Thanksgiving Edition

     Guys! I actually managed to do a Picture Every Hour without missing an hour!! And it was on Thanksgiving, too. Probably one of the busiest days of the year. This proves I have no excuses. XD

     Well, for Thanksgiving at our house we invite a bunch of people over and hang out and play a few silly, Minute-to-Win-It style games. We call it the Gobbler Games. Which you would know if you read the post I did last year. :)

     If you're interested in a more in-depth post about this year's Gobbler Games, I'll be posting that on TAJ this Monday, so be sure to check that out! Without further ado, on to the pictures!

At eight o'clock
  I was grabbing my computer and blogging notebook
to work on something (or maybe just to put it away,
I forget). I also grabbed my driver's handbook to
read/study a bit. I'm preparing to take my permit test.

At nine o'clock
  I was putting some laundry away and getting clothes
together (because our grandparents are here and
staying in our room) for a few days.

At ten o'clock
The cousins had just arrived, and we were in a 
flurry of final preparations. 

At eleven o'clock
No one except the cousins had arrived yet.
The food was all set out, and we were basically
just hanging around doing nothing. :)

At twelve o'clock
  People had arrived and I was just finishing up
some puppy chow (deliciousness) and some pigs
in a blanket (hence the ketchup).

At one o'clock
We were cleaning up from the first game,
which was called the Horn of Plenty.

At two o'clock
We were between games, so here's a selfie. XD
Having fun so far!

At three o'clock
We were playing our fourth game, called 
Mayflower. It was pretty hard, but I did
decently well.

At four o'clock
Mom and Dad were figuring out who had won the
games, so I was playing the piano with Triniti
(whose hands these are).

At five o'clock
We had just finished the white elephant
gift exchange. I got these socks, which are
something I'll probably never use but
they're kinda cool. XD

At six o'clock
I had just finished eating and was talking to
friends. Here's my empty plate. :)

At seven o'clock
The afterparty had begun! Here you can see
the jumbotron and the disco ball. It was pretty
fun but also can give you a huge headache.

At eight o'clock
We were still doing the afterparty. Here's Jack
in his gorilla costume from Halloween, which
he put on for part of it. Sorry it's so dark, I was
too lazy to move to a lighter party of the house.

At nine o'clock
Basically, everyone had left except for Triniti's
family and Juliette's family (Juliette is on the right).
They left soon after this picture, though.

At ten o'clock
We (my parents, my aunt, and uncle and Leah)
were talking after cleaning up some of the
kitchen. I went to bed soon after this.

     Happy (late) Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you enjoyed your day, and I'll be back on Monday! :)


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