
My favorite things about spring...

     Hi! Can I first mention that the title sorta rhymes... favorite things about spring. If there was only one thing that was my most favorite about spring it would rhyme completely. But I can't pick just one thing... I'm too indecisive. XD

     So! I've done these posts before, one for fall (my absolute favorite month) and winter so check those out if you're interested. I'm planning to do one for summer too - but I don't know if I can promise anything knowing my blogging habits. ;) Anyway - here's my favorite things about spring!

1. Getting back into shorts

     I absolutely love jeans, long sleeved shirts, sweaters, and all the clothing associated with fall and winter, but it's always so freeing to be back in shorts. I'm guessing we won't really be out of shorts for very long in Florida, but here in CA it's something I really enjoy about the season changing.

2. Longer days

     Daylight savings time is amazing (except I lose an hour of sleep... otherwise it's great)! When it gets darker sooner, it just feels more gloomy. So I enjoy the brightness of the evenings, as well as the days actually getting longer as we move towards summer.

3. Easter, etc.

     I really enjoy all the things that happen around Easter. Especially Easter music - it just seems to really hit me in the right way. XD Besides, who doesn't love sunrise services? It's just so cool to see the sunrise. Our church is located on a hill, so we all get to "hike" (it's more of a walk with a slight incline) up to this cross on the hill and watch the sunrise during the service. So beautiful.

4. Finishing school (graduating!)

     I love school - like, really love school - but I'm always ready for school to end and the fun of summer to begin. This year is especially exciting because I'm graduating. No more mandatory school! (I'm still going to college Lord willing but... technically I don't have to. The freedom!!) And don't even begin the "summer fun" part. We're moving so it will be insane, but also so so so much fun. I'm legitimately so excited to move to Florida.

5. All the green and flowers

     Once again, California doesn't tend to be that green (at least Southern California doesn't) but we got an insane amount of rain this winter, so it is so beautiful right now. It's only more tinder for the next fire, but I'm going to soak it in while it's here. 

     And that's all I have for this post! I could probably think of more, but I don't really want to put in that much effort right now. Spring just has an overall happy, free, fresh feeling and I really enjoy that. Talk to y'all soon!

~ Anna

What's your favorite thing about spring? What's your favorite season and why?


  1. You LOVE school?? We should just keep going...

    1. I don't love it THAT much... I am always ready for it to end. XD

  2. My favorite thing about spring is the snow!! 🤣
