Guys. The history nerd in me is freaking out. Tommorrow is the 500th anniversary of the Reformation! (Or more specifically, the day when Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenburg. But who was being specific? Not me!) That is so cool. I don't know what it is about nice round anniversary numbers, but they make me happy. And number 500? Eeek!!
Bible Time Update: October 2017
So this is when I again moan about how busy my life is. Haha. Basically - the time I allot to Bible time has gone down by quite a bit. But I have been doing some stuff. This post might be a little shorter (again), but I'll just go through what I'm doing and probably ramble a lot, too. :)

PEH: Birthday Edition (sort of)
And I'm sixteen! And this is an hour (or three?) too late... Hehe. Sorry 'bout that. I also didn't actually take a picture every hour on my birthday, so this is a bit of a different PEH post - if you can even call it a picture every hour, since there aren't any pictures.
Life Update
My birthday is on Saturday! That's only five days away. Only five days and I'll be sixteen. That's sort of crazy. These past few weeks have been a little crazy/hectic. My family was out of town (except for my dad and me), then my dad and the boys were out of town, and I've gotten a little behind on school (hehe).
How I Blog
So! I thought I'd show you (or tell you) the behind-the-scenes of how I blog. It really isn't that interesting, but I thought it would be fun for me to do... Maybe it will be interesting? I'm quite proud of how consistent I've been over the past year and a half-ish.