Welcome everyone! Today I'm going to whip out my historian Anna outfit (or costume... either works) and talk about some history. And not just any type of history either - this is some German history. (Two of my favorite school subjects mashed into one wonderful item.) I'm going to be talking about a famous castle in Germany called Neuschwanstein.
PEH: First Day of School Edition
Welcome one and all! This past Monday (which is now last week) we started school. As you may have noticed (here, here, and here) I was and am very excited to have something to do all day. Of course, since my workload is so light (I'll be starting three more classes - one a college duel enrollment class - by the beginning of September) I still have a lot of time to burn. (But I'm never bored, because if I was my mom would give me some chores, and let's avoid that at all costs.)
Reverse Bucket List
Hello everyone, and welcome! In case you couldn't tell from the title, today I'm going to be doing this little thing called a reverse bucket list. Everyone knows what a bucket list is (and if you don't, how do you not?). A reverse bucket list is essentially that: what I have done that is bucket list worthy.
Life Update #8
Hey all! This is the last of my life update series, because it's the last Saturday in the summer (for us, at least). If you want to read the previous ones - here's a link to all of them. I'm sort of sad that summer is ending, but I'm mostly excited and ready for school to start.
A Break from the Usual...
Life Update #7
Well, everyone. We've come to the second to last Saturday of summer, which means - joyful adulation!! School is almost heeerrrrreeeeee! (You will be kind enough not to remind me of this in approximately four months, when I am sick and tired of school - thank you.) But it's also the beginning of my last week of summer, so I'm going to enjoy it.